Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gone to Dragon*Con 2012

I'm now off to Dragon*Con. If you're going, hunt me down and say Hi.

I'll be working with the EFForums track again this year, so if you want to find me, you can often find me at Hilton 201 (map below) OR you can come to one of my panels.

This year I'm doing four, two on the Brit Track, and two on the EFForums track. I'll have audio here afterwards, but during I'll be Liveblogging and tweeting. Keep watching here for more.

So I'll see you all on the 4th, if I don't see you in downtown Atlanta.

Friday, August 31, 2012

11:30 a.m.

Going to England: An Anglotopia Guide discusses how to get to England and what to see, eat, and experience while there.
Sheraton, Macon room
2:30 p.m.

The Worlds of Terry Pratchett

This panel discusses the many worlds of author Terry Pratchett including a chat on "The Long Earth," "Going Postal," and "Good Omens" going to screen.
Sheraton, Macon room

Sunday, September 2, 2012

2:30 p.m.

Defending P2P Litigation

We discuss strategies for defending against peer-to-peer and file-sharing litigation, and the legal tactics used by the content industry.
Blair B. Chintella, Andrew Norton
Hilton Room 201

Monday, September 3, 2012

11:30 a.m.

Tactical SOPA Strike: How the Web Defended Itself Against Congress

Listen to some of the anti-SOPA movement architects discuss how the SOPA protests came to be and what the future of Internet Defense could look like.
Holmes Wilson, Andrew Norton
Hilton Room 201

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