Saturday, August 6, 2011

Muon1 Best Designs - PhaseRotA

Part 4 is the other new design at the time, PhaseRotA. Like ChicaneLinacA, it starts with the SolenoidsOnlky decay channel, but instead of a chicane and a linac, it uses a phase rotation system.

The best design was 0.785352% and was again by Sobi of Team Seti Germany.

This piece is cross-posted from the unOfficial Muon1 Blog

Like it's partner, this lattice also required 4.4and introduces the phase rotation system, running at 31.4MHz, to help insert into the cooling ring.

The search-space has also taken a radical jump here, with 707 parameters giving around 102121 different permutations. This lattice, like ChicaneLinacA, was however flawed and modified lattices were released a week later.

This is the 'best' design as recreated in v4.45. Some modification to the lattice was needed to add a backend, as earlier clients had this hard-coded. It is also sped up. The original simulation length as recorded was 20 minutes 44seconds.

Next time, PhaseRotA

Date of release
May 11, 2004
Total possible number of permutations
102121 (1 with 2121 zeros after it)
Number of Simulations Run
32,000 (approximately)
Total MPTS

0.785352 (2651.5 Mpts) [v4.4] <PhaseRotA> by [SG]Sobi

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