Tuesday, February 26, 2013

6 Strikes - Because the DMCA Wasn't One-Sided Enough

The debut of the 6-strikes system is now on us, and yet we have to wonder why it’s here in the first place. The US already has a robust court system for dealing with alleged infringers (and tens of thousands that have been targeted by it over the last few years can attest to that) as well as a notice-and-takedown system in the DMCA. So why do we need another system, this graduated response setup?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cory Doctorow in Atlanta (full!)

Last week, blogger, activist, author and all-around nice guy stopped by in Atlanta on his tour to promote Homeland, his new book. I dragged my wife and eldest over to the talk, held at the surprisingly nice auditorium at the Decatur public library. Even arriving 15 minutes early, seats were hard to find, and so I was near the back.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tesla Motors – Supercharged Supersnooping

The on-going feud the last week or two between New York Times columnist John Broder and Tesla Motors Elon Musk has highlighted at least one issue. Modern cars are going to be hell for privacy activists. In fact, the car you sit in could end up invalidating United States v Jones – the case requiring long-term GPS tracking have a warrant.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cory Doctorow in Decatur

For those that didn't know, Cory Doctorow was doing a tour to promote his new book "Homeland", the sequel to Little Brother. On Feb 17th, he stopped by the Decatur Library, to give a little talk.

In the warm up before the main talk, he took some questions and answers, and I thought it would be a good idea to ask him his thoughts on the Pirate Party. While I managed to record most of the response, I missed the initial bit.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Absurd (Unconstitutional) Photo Manipulation Bill

This post by K`Tetch first appeared at the Pirate Party of Georgia Site
If you are following us on Facebook or Twitter (and if not, why not?), you’ll notice we posted two news stories about the Georgia state Government this past week. One was on a broadband limitation bill, and the other relates to online photo manipulation.

Our response to the broadband bill was published yesterday, but the response to the photo-manipulation bill requires more detail than a simple press release can convey.

As you can probably guess, we’re obviously in opposition to this. It’s a clear example of tantrum-based legislation ("I don't like this, so it needs to be dealt with"), driven by a deep ignorance of the fundamental laws of the United States, and the principles of which the country stands.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Star Wars Online

No, this isn't the MMORPG (I prefer Star Trek Online) Instead, this is about an amazing use of technology to entertain.

As recounted in his tumblr, Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) Ryan Weber was bored when stuck in the snow in Boston this weekend. So he created the following cool traceroute.

Friday, February 8, 2013

TPB AFK is Now Out

The film about the Pirate Bay, TPB_AFK is now out.

The film is premiering at the Berlin international film festival right now, but you can watch it just as if you were there, thanks to the power of the internet.